Intention Setting

I am doing this as a gift to myself–even though others around me may benefit.
I am doing it for my personal upliftment, learning and growth. And because my happiness is on the line.
Today I am setting an intention to stay in my neutrality, in my center, and in my loving for the next month.
I am doing this because I have been struggling a lot lately in terms of my own healing process both physically and emotionally. My healing is two fold in this context: 1) Healing from a mild traumatic brain injury I suffered after a bad car accident 3-1/2 years ago and the persistent post concussive symptoms I deal with regularly, and 2) healing from past relationship wounds that have recently resurfaced in my current relationship. Both of these have been triggering a very quick fight or flight response in me for the last several months. I have been quick to react to situations and get upset easily, pulling me off center in ways that I am not happy about. And it creates a stress reaction in my body where I feel flooded with adrenaline and emotion. And more tired than usual. Oftentimes, it further disturbs my already disturbed sleep and I can lay awake for hours during the night thinking and questioning and thinking some more. I have developed many techniques over the years to deal with the stress and overwhelm that comes with brain injury, trauma and loss.
Deep Breathing,
Positive Affirmations,
Self Forgiveness,
and Intention Setting have been key for me.
So today, kicks off day 1 of this month long intention to stay in my neutrality, in my center, and in my loving…and we shall see how it goes. I will try to do it with grace—meaning it will not help if I am hard on myself when I waver off center or notice I just said something that was totally not nice or even close to loving. Yikes!
Instead I will work to catch myself quicker and quicker each time. This will help me in breaking the fight or flight pattern and should help me stay in a more neutral, observatory role versus being in reactivity.
I am doing all of this as a gift to myself, even though others around me may benefit. It is for my own health and peace of mind. I am doing it for my personal upliftment, learning and growth. And because my happiness is on the line. I am doing it because I have got to get better sleep if I want to do more physically and cognitively while healing from a brain injury. I am doing it because my relationships matter to me, and how I show up in them speaks volumes. And I want those volumes to reflect all the work I have done to heal from wounds both visible and invisible over the last 10 years. And guess what?? I’m inviting you to try it with me!